Privacy Policy

The Canadian Dance Assembly(CDA) is committed to protecting the privacy of its members.

Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA):

Protects personal information from improper use and disclosure

Gives the right to individuals to request information about themselves

Gives the right to individuals to request corrections or additions to their personal information if they feel there are inaccuracies

For more information, visit the Government of Canada’s Privacy Commission.

The Canadian Dance Assembly (CDA) is committed to protecting the privacy of its members.

A Definition of Personal Information:

Personal information is any information that can be used to distinguish, identify or contact a specific individual. This information can include an individual’s opinions or beliefs, as well as facts about, or related to, the individual.

Exceptions: business contact information and certain publicly available information, such as that published in telephone directories, are not considered personal information.

Privacy Protection Commitment:

The Canadian Dance Assembly is committed to protecting the privacy of the personal information of members, donors, supporters, customers, board of directors, committee members, staff, and other stakeholders.

What personal information is collected?

Sales Transactions and Donations: The Canadian Dance Assembly may collect personal information such as email, address and phone number from individuals becoming members, signing up for a Dance Current subscription, making donations, attending conferences, workshops or meetings. Organizations may also be asked to complete an Organizational Profile Form upon joining CDA.

Dance Map : CDA currently manages and maintains the Dance Map, originally created through research undertaken by the Canada Council and the Ontario Arts Council. Anyone may submit their information to the dance map. Anyone can update their profile information by logging into their account. Any personal information collected is to help participants manage their entries.

Governance: Personal contact information for board members, staff and committee members may be collected and will be maintained in a database by designated Canadian Dance Assembly staff.

Why is it collected, and what is it used for?

Sales transactions and donations: Information regarding members is collected by designated CDA staff to complete registrations for membership, signing up for a Dance Current subscriptions, events and donations. It may also be used to issue tax receipts, invoices, or other receipts related to a purchase or a donation. Information regarding members is collected in order for CDA to support members in the offering and administration of programs.

Organizational Profile Form: The information requested on this form is used anonymously by CDA for statistical and other argumentative purposes.

Dance Map: Information pertaining to an organization is collected for online listing in the Dance Map, members have the ability to select which information they wish to display and make public and are able to update their information on a regular basis. CDA monitors and validates entries. Please note the Canadian Dance Assembly is not responsible for inaccurate listings. Listings are submitted by the public and managed by the public.

Governance: As a charity we are required to submit personal information for Board members for our annual Charity info return. Staff information is obtained in order to process payroll and any T4 filing. Any personal information is not re-distributed without approval from the individual.

How is it collected?

Sales transactions or donations: This information may be collected through various forms available on the Canadian Dance Assembly website or via email and may be sent in electronically, by mail or via Paypal. This information might also be taken over the phone if requested.

Members: Member information is collected by mail, email, or phone by a designated Canadian Dance Assembly personnel. Information pertaining to the Dance Map is submitted online through the Dance Map website.

Governance: Board members, personnel and committee members’ contact information is collected by mail, phone or email by Canadian Dance Assembly personnel.

Website: If an individual makes a donation through the CDA website or signs up for a membership/registers for an event online, the information will be collected through secure on-line forms and no credit card information will be available to either CDA or the third-party supplier as it is encrypted and goes directly to the credit card company.

Where is it kept and who has access?

All contact information for members, donors, customers, board of directors, committee members and personnel is kept in a database maintained by designated Canadian Dance Assembly personnel. This includes, if provided, personal contact information. The database does not include any financial information or details such as credit card numbers.

Original order forms (which may include VISA numbers as provided by an individual), and photocopies of cheques are kept in filing cabinets in and office which is locked every night.

What security measures are used?

The database is accessible by designated Canadian Dance Assembly personnel only and is password protected. Shared Files remain on a secured network accessible by CDA staff only.

To whom is it disclosed?

The Canadian Dance Assembly does not disclose personal information to any third parties except to The Dance Current for the fulfillment of membership benefits or during a payment transaction when financial information is disclosed to relevant financial and credit institutions in order to process the payment.

The Canadian Dance Assembly does not sell, trade or rent personal information to other organizations or individuals

The Canadian Dance Assembly may include an opt-in or opt-out box on certain order forms to ensure that individuals can receive The Dance Current Subscription.

Third party websites

The website contains links to other websites. We are not responsible for the privacy policies or practices of third party websites.

Updating information

From time to time, we may review our privacy policy practices and update our policy. Please let us know if the personal information which we hold about you needs to be corrected or updated. You can unsubscribe from our e-bulletin list at any time by clicking on the unsubscribe button at the bottom of the newsletter.


If you have any questions about this privacy policy or our treatment of your personal data, please contact our office at or 416-515-8444


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